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How to do a distinct select?

I am using the ultradatasource for design time support that is better than a typical dataset. I was wondering if there is a way to do a select distinct from a column so that I can use those values in a value list?

I would like to implement the autocomplete feature like in Excel where other values in that column can be used to autocomplete as you type. If there is a better way of doing this please let me know.


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  • 37774

    I'm not really sure that there's a way to do this in the UltraDataSource.  I think that the best way to do this would be to use a Hashtable/Dictionary and to walk over all of the rows in the data source; the Hashtable will give you the quick lookup time to determine if you've already located a particular value.  When you're done with iterating through the rows, you can then take all of the values that you've found and put them into a list.


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