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Clicking a tool on a toolbar programatically either in c# or TestComplete

I've been using TestComplete to automate some tests and have ran into an issue trying to click on tools on a toolbar.  My current method involves getting the X/Y of the tool and positioning the mouse over it to click it.  I've done some searching on the net and found some references to a ClickToolbarTool method, but that doesn't seem to exist in version 8.2.  So is there any way to do this through already existing methods, or do we have to create a method in the code to do it?

  • 6729
    Offline posted


    ClickToolbarTool is a TestAdvantage method. TestAdvantage is a an add-in to HP QuickTest Pro that allaows the tester to interact with infragistics control in more readable and maintainable way that Click(x, Y)

    Infragistics provide two TestAdvantage product. One that is compatible with HP QuickTest Pro and the other for IBM Rational Functional Tester. Yo can get more infor about TestAdvantage here (

    Unfortunatly there is nothing for TestComplete. I am not familiar with TestComplete so I don’t think I can be of much help but if you can access object property and fire off event then you want to get the ToolbarsManager property of the DockArea (when the toolbar is displayed) and fore off “ToolClick” event with the right Tool.

    In c# you can do the same. Get the ToolbarsManager component and Fire the “ToolClick” event.


    I hope this was helpful.



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