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ToolTip does not show up un UltraDayView

I am using Infragistics 8.2. I am building a .NET control which is wrapped as ActiveX to be embedded in a SAP environment.

I have a UltraDayView with an appointment on it. I want a ToolTip to show up when the cursor is over the appointment.

There is no ToolTip visible, neither on the UltraDayView nor on the appointment. I have put a ToolTipManager on the control and registered a default ToolTip like this:

UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo = toolTipManager.GetUltraToolTip(ultraDayView);
toolTipInfo.ToolTipText =
"Test Tooltip";

 I have overridden BeforeAppointmentToolTipDisplayed event of ultraDayView just to see if the method is called but this does not happen!

Any idea what goes wrong? Any hint is appreciated!


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  • 69832
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    I am speculating a bit but it is possible that you are using one of th older ViewStyles, and the string which comprises the appointment's Subject and time range fits in the available space; in this scenario, no tooltip will be displayed, since all the appointment information is fully visible.

    Even with the conditions I cited, the UltraToolTipManager should have been displayed, barring some kind of security issue (tooltips are top-level windows, and as such require certain security permissions on the client machine). I am not familiar enough with SAP to know whether this is the reason, but if the application works in a "standard" Windows setting, that would indicate the reason has something to do with the environment.

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