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ShowPopup() positioning on PopupMenuTool
I have a popupMenuTool in a ribbon with several state buttons associated as "drop down items". The usability story I'm developing is when a user performs a certain action in the application, and none of the state buttons are "Checked", I want to show the drop down instead of performing the action. I have everything working, but the positioning of the drop down list when calling [PopupMenuTool].ShowPopup() goes to the coordinates of the mouse. What I want is for the drop down to appear in the EXACT position as it would when the user presses the PopupMenuTool in the ribbon. I see there is an overload that accepts a point, but how can I get the point mentioned above? The UIElement of the PopupMenuTool is null at runtime, and that looks like it has all the positioning goodies I'm after. Thanks - Patrick