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I am attempting to populate an UltraWinDropDown in a .Net 2.0 Winform with a few predetermined options, and return the selected option to my main form. Even though the options are all predetermined, the Designer insists I create a DataSource. OK, I do that with my predefined values... and nothing appears in my form. It's totally blank, not even an empty DropDown list appears. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but what?

This is the first time I have tried to use an UltraWinDropDown. Is there a tutorial or simple example of how to create an InfragisticsDropDown control?

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  • 469350
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    UltraDropDown is not a standalone control. It only works with a WinGrid as a dropdown in a cell. If you want a standalone dropdown control, then you should use UltraCombo, instead. 

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