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Smart axis confused by negative values


I'm using Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinChart.v5.3.dll (version 5.3.20053.73) to produce a composite chart including one line chart and one scatter. Since the ranges varies a lot, the rangetype of the Yaxis is set to Custom, and the TickmarkStyle is smart. This works excellent for all-positive datapoint values, with zero-based y-axis and useful label values along the y-axis.

But as soon as one datapoint is negative the labels along the y-axis go haywire. For example: minimum datapoint value is -46.32, and maximum is 41.9. The label values turn out like: -46.3, -36.3, -26.3, ...33.7, 43.7. I would have liked labels -50 to 50. 

Is this a bug or did I forget something? 

Thanks in advance





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