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Make pane 'full-screen'

 I'm using the WinDockManager along with the ToolbarManager.We want to have one of the docked controls to have the ability to go full screen. I'd already implemented this by creating a new form that was full screen and setting the control's parent to be this new form. When returning from full screen I just moved the control back. 

 I've now discovered a problem with displaying contextMenus whilst in full screen mode. I'm using the SetContextMenuUltra method to link the context menu, all works fine until the control is made full-screen, at which point they stop being displayed. It looks like the context menu is being created, but that it's underneath the control. I've tried setting the TopMost property on my fullScreenForm to be false and this hasn't helped. I'm guessing this is because the ToolBarManager is in my original form and it can't show popups for controls in another form, does that sound like a likely cause?

So what I was wondering (hoping) was whether there would be a better way to make a control go full-screen without removing it from the form. It would be nice if the WinDockManager supported a method to make any control fullscreen...

 I realise that this is probably not possible, any tips grealt received though.

fullScreenForm = new Form();
fullScreenForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
fullScreenForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
fullScreenForm.ControlBox = false;
fullScreenForm.ShowInTaskbar = false;
fullScreenForm.TopMost = false;
control.Parent = fullScreenForm;
fullScreenForm.Bounds = screen.Bounds;