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UltraMonthViewSingle expand appointment across multiple days

I have an appointment displayed on an UltraMonthViewSingle and an UltraDayView.  The appointment is NOT an all day appointment so it has a start and end time.  In the UltraDayView control, I can expand the appointment so that the start and end are on different days, but I do not seem to be able to do this in the UltraMonthViewSingle control.

Any appointment that already starts and ends on different days can be resized in the UltraMonthViewSingle control, but if I resize it to a single day, then I loose the ability to resize it there, and can only do so if I switch to the UltraDayViewControl and do it there.

Is there a way I can enable resizing the appointment in the UltraMonthViewSingle control when the start and end are on the same day?

I am open to using CreationFilters, or other similar things, or even Reflection to enable this.

I appreciate any assistance that you can give.

Thank you.

  • 28945
    Offline posted

    Hello and thank you for contacting Infragistics. The MonthViewSingle, out of the box, allows you to resize by left-clicking the edge of the appointment and holding the mouse down to resize the appointment across multiple days. This allows you to go down to additional weeks if need be to further extend out the appointment as long as you started dragging on the right side. Otherwise it will move it to another day. If you want to extend out an appointment to days prior you would have to start dragging from the left side of the appointment. I attached a demo of this.

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