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Semi-transparent UltraOfficeNavBar

I am trying to create a semi-transparent menu bar using the UltraOfficeNavBar. No matter how I change the settings for opacity or transparency, the control never becomes actually transparent. I've tried setting the back color to transparent on both the menu and the individual buttons, I've tried changing the alpha level for both the control and the color, but nothing produces the result I am looking for. Is there any way to achieve true transparency with this, or any other control in Ultimate UI?

Here's an image of the effect I'm trying to create:

  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Mark,

    I was hoping that setting the Appearance backcolor to transparent would help but not all the Windows forms Controls are designed to have transparent background and actually they get the color of their parent for back color. If the control is ContainerControl then you could use a color with alpha blend, if this is also not working then I believe its not supported out of the box.

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