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Ribbon FileMenuButtonHotTrackAppearance doesn't work properly

It seems the UltraToolbarsManager Ribbon FileMenuButtonHotTrackAppearance doesn't work properly.  I can set foreground and background colours here, but these have no effect if my cursor is over the File Menu Button.  If I click on the button, then collapse the menu again, the hot tracking works until I move the cursor off the button, and then it no longer works again.

Is this a known bug?

  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Compbell,

    May I know which version of control you are using ? You logged in against 15.2 which is so quite old and dosent provide bug fix.

    Did you test the issue against latest version ? If you can share the sample i can test it for you and discuss with the dev if i can still reproduce with latest .

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