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RecurrenceDialog AppointmentRecurrence Property


I am trying to use the RecurrenceDialog to make changes to an AppointmentRecurrence object, but every time I try to get the new result back from the dialog box by checking the AppointmentRecurrence property, I am finding that it is null. I read the docs, and it said that you will get null returned if you pass the RecurrenceDialog constructor a daterecurrence object instead of an appointmentrecurrence object, but I can tell you for sure that I am not doing that. I create the appointmentRecurrence object immediately before creating the recurrencedialog object, and at no point in my code do I create any daterecurrence objects. I am currently using V21.2


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  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Jim,

    Looks like you are creating custom recurrence dialog, is there any way you can shared your demo sample with us to investigate the issue.

    Looking forward to hear you back.

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