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Hide column or change column name in same band


I don't speak your language so I hope you will understand.

I have a list of objects that contains another list of objects.

To clarify the scenario

Object 1:

Public Class FaseReport

Public Property Descrizione As String
Public Property TipoEsitoAzione As enumTipoEsitoLog
Public Property ReportListaStep As List(Of LogReport)

Public Sub New()
_ReportListaStep = New List(Of LogReport)
End Sub

Object 2

Public Class LogReport

Public Property Descrizione As String

Public Property Quadro As String
Public Property Campo As String
Public Property ValoreInserito As String
Public Property ValoreAtteso As String

Public Property Messaggio As String

Public Property TipoEsitoAzione As enumTipoEsitoLog

End Class

I populate these object and Bind them to an UltrawinGrid so I obtain something like this:

My question is: is it possible to hide a column or change its name according for example to the content of  the row i marked in yellow? what I mean is if the row contains the word SCRITTURA i would like to hide a Column but only for its childs and kepp on seeing it in the second group where the row contains the word LETTURA. Or under other conditions change the column name. What happens is that if I make a change trying to match the conditions in the InitializeRow event ,changes are reported in all the group band.

Hope you understood.

Thank you


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