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Number of Smart ticks for Smart-type Tickmark Style

I appreciate the Smart-type Tickmark algorithm (it is clear and it puts the ticks on the axis in reasonably/user friendly locations).

However, the minimum number of ticks that this algorithm puts on the axis (10 if the label fonts are not too large, as I've seen) seems not to be changeable (I've not seen any way to change it at design time or programmatically at runtime).

For some charts I have to develop the chart could be clearer if the minimum number of ticks could be 5 instead of 10: less ticks, for small charts, make the visualisation of the chart clearer, expecially when the chart is small and it has the MajorGridLines/MinorGridLines on it.

Is it possible now to change this value at design time or at runtime?

I have already put a request for new feature on this site, on the hypothesys that  this value cannot be changed programmatically.

Thank you in advance 



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    The smart tickmark logic is internal to the chart and cannot be changed by the end user. There can be a number of possible workarounds for this though. If your chart gets too small, you can use percentage based interval, or perhaps turn off minor gridlines. If you need a more complex solution, you can use FillSceneGraph event to remove some elements from the chart or ChartDrawItem event to change the color of some gridlines/tickmarks to transparent.

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