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Refreshing/drawing/painting an UltraDataChart

Thanks to Andrew Goldenbaum's recent help to a few of my previous questions, I'm off and running with a few new charts.  

I created a new post/question as although related to ultradatachart creation/etc., it was slightly different that my previous set of apologies if I should have continue on with my previous thread.

I have a set of graphs that look similar to the image below, where the plotted points on the yAxis are compared to a particular threshold value (within the assigningCategoryMarkerStyle event) and in doing so, colored red for above threshold, green for being in range, etc.  They have their datasource set in such a way that when the underlying data changes (patient lab results), the graphs respond as I expect.  

However, these graphs are part of an application that allows the user to re-define the governing threshold values on the fly, which are not part of the actual data being supplied to the graphs...other than the overlay value being set to the user's threshold value.  When these thresholds are changed, I'd like to be able to refresh the graphs so that they redraw/repaint, etc., and therefore the yAxis plotted markers adjust their colors if needed.  Example, if the user raises the max threshold to 20, I want to reflect this by refreshing the graph so that the points colored red (below) are no longer red but green after the change.   

I've tried using ultradatachart.refresh() as well as update, but no joy.  I realize this might be done by faking a data change of some sort, but I'd rather not do this.

Appreciate the help.

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