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Ultragrid (and UltraCombo) Lose Layout Formatting

I've recently taken over maintenance of a Windows desktop application that uses several Infragistics controls, most notably the Ultragrid.

I've run into what I think is an odd issue. A request came in to change the dimensions of a form to increase the size both vertically and horizontally. On the surface that should be no big deal. I increased the size of the form (in design view by pulling the form's border taller and wider) and gave it a quick test to see ho wit looked. That's when I noticed that the layout for the Ultragrid and Ultracombo controls on the form had somehow been lost.

The Ultragrid went from this:

To this (please ignore the yellow highlighting):

Now, the previous developer chose to handle all the formatting of the Infragistics controls using the control's designer and not the InitializeLayout event which is my preferred way of handling things.

The previous developer also chose to use UltraDataSources which I have not used before (but I don't think that has anything to do with what I am experiencing).

So, I guess my question is has anyone experienced this type of behavior before? And what can I do to prevent it from occurring again?

For the short term, to get the layout formatting back, I undid my changes and simply added code to increase the form's width and height programmatically instead of using the Window's design view.

Any help is appreciated! 

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