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Wich Scheduler component(s) to realize a resource planing tool

Hello to all,

I need some input from you please

I've tried out

1. UltraTimeLineView 

2. UltraGanttView

Both components only have the (opposit) half of features that I need.

I like to have the powerful possibilities of a UltraGrid with Calendar features.

On the left side of the grid the resources with multiple columns that can be sorted and filtered.

On the right side a calendar view where I can assign multiple tasks to the resource.(also overlapping if needed)

At the first look UltraTimeLineView matches my needs at most, but there is a lack of the grid features, there is only one column for the resources.

UltraGanttView is more powerful but the logic that I need ist turned around by 90 degrees

I have attached a example picture for  better understanding.

Maybe I missed something and you can give me a great tip :-)

Kind regards


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    Hello Karol,

    Having tasks span multiple columns is considered to be a new product idea, with either the grid or our schedule controls. The simplest thing to do is to use a single UltraGrid with some combination of, pinned columns (two grids if you need a splitter to separate columns), merged cells, embeddable controls, and row layouts for the stacking of columns. 

    You can suggest new product ideas for future versions (or vote for existing ones) at <>.
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    Remember when submitting your idea to explain the context in which a feature would be used and why it is needed as well as anything that would prevent you from accomplishing this today. You can even add screenshots to build a stronger case. Remember that for your suggestion to be successful, you need other members of the community to vote for it.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

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