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Custom Text on UltraPieChart Toolip

Is there a way to set custom text on an UltraPieChart Tooltip? I can handle the TooltipContentUpdating but it does not return a control like on the UltraDataChart which I am more familiar with. When I use the UltraDataChart I typically return a custom formatted label which works great and allows for a lot of flexibility. I would like to at minimum set some custom text to show when you hover over each slice of the pie. Is that possible? Can the UltraDataChart render a Pie Chart?

  • 34430
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    Hello Nicholas,

    It is definitely possible to set custom text for an UltraPieChart tooltip, and this is done using the TooltipContentUpdating event of the control.

    I am guessing that you are perhaps on an earlier version of the Infragistics for Windows Forms toolset if the TooltipContentUpdating is not returning a Control? At the time of writing this, the event arguments of the TooltipContentUpdating event exposes a CurrentContent property that returns a Control, which you can either dig into or replace with your own control.

    I am attaching a sample project that demonstrates the usage of this event to show a custom tooltip text for the different slices of an UltraPieChart.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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