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UltraGrid DataSource not binding to DataView/DataTable on Microsoft Surface tablet

Apologies if I'm not clear about anything, I'm new to Infragistics

What is the Issue?

When reloading an UltraGrid with new data, Grid.Rows is not being populated correctly from Grid.DataSource and only the column headers are displayed until the grid is reloaded again. Note that this only occurs on a Microsoft Surface tablet and cannot be reproduced on a more traditional Windows 10 machine

Below is the LoadGrid method called(note that nominalCodeTable and costCentreTable are both DataTables, I have tried converting the to DataViews too):

private void LoadGrid(bool dataload)
            if (dataload)

            //Sets the Grid data source 
            //Setting the Datasource to null is intentional. By nulling the datasource before attaching a new one
            //the columns are shown in the right order when the tab is changed. Databind and Refresh does not work.
            viewGridBase.Grid.DataSource = null;

            if (budgetControl.SelectedTab != null)
                if (budgetControl.SelectedTab.Index == 0)
                    if (nominalCodeTable != null)
                        viewGridBase.Grid.DataSource = nominalCodeTable;
                    if (costCentreTable != null)
                        viewGridBase.Grid.DataSource = costCentreTable;


            List<string> totalSummaryColumns = new List<string>();
            if (viewGridBase.Grid.DataSource != null)
                foreach (DataColumn column in ((DataTable) viewGridBase.Grid.DataSource).Columns)
                    if (column.ColumnName.Equals("TotalBudgetedValue") &&

                    if (column.ColumnName.Equals("Total") && !totalSummaryColumns.Contains("Total"))

                    if (column.ColumnName.Contains("FinancialYear") && !totalSummaryColumns.Contains(column.ColumnName))

            if (viewGridBase.Grid.Rows.Count > 0)
                viewGridBase.Grid.Rows[0].Selected = true;


At the end of the method the Grid.DataSource.Rows count does not match the Grid.Rows count, I’m assuming this is because the data has not been bound correctly?

What I've Tried

  • Calling the LoadGrid method twice (this does work but is slow, especially on larger grids)
  • Calling Grid.DataBind(); at the end of the method
  • Calling Grid.Refresh(); at the end of the method
  • Calling viewGridBase.Grid.DataSource = costCentreTable; directly after viewGridBase.Grid.DataSource = null; does correctly bind the data but this is not an acceptable solution in the case when nominalCodeTable is needed.

Any ideas what I can try to get this to work? Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated.

  • 469350
    Offline posted

    That's really weird. I can't see any reason why the machine you are running on should matter. 

    Are you absolutely certain that it's the grid that is the problem here and it's not just that the DataTable you are assigning actually has no data in it? 

    If the grid's not updating it's display even after you call Refresh or Rows.Refresh, then that would seem to indicate that the data source itself has no rows. Is it possible you are updating that data source on another thread and so it hasn't populated, yet? As a test, try putting an inbox DataGrid control on there and bind it to the same data source as the grid and see if it shows data. 

    This is a bit of a stretch but perhaps, at some other point in your application, you specified a DataMember on the grid, and so setting the DataSource to a DataTable is having trouble resolving that DataMember, since DataTables don't have multiple table. You might try changing the DataSource setter and instead use a call to SetDataBinding and pass in null for the DataMember.

    Another wild stab in the dark is that perhaps there's an Exception occurring here that is being caught and handled. So if you are running this in Visual Studio with debugging, you might want to set it up to break on all Run-time exceptions so you can see if that's happening. 

  • 469350
    Offline posted in reply to Jake Featherstone

    Hi Jake, 

    We are certainly not suggesting that you replace the WinGrid in your application with a DataGridView. The idea is, just as a test, stick a DataGridView on the same form with the grid and bind it to the same data source to see if it shows any data. That will tell us if the problem is truly with the WinGrid or something in your application, the data source, or the BindingManager. 

    My understanding is that the grid shows data initially and only loses it when you change from one data source to another, so clearly the grid is working on that machine. And now you say there's another grid in the application that also works. So whatever is happening here is some complex interaction caused by a series of events or perhaps some combination of property settings. And since it only happens on a single device and only in your full application, that makes it extremely difficult to track down. 

    The best case scenario would have been if one of the workarounds we suggested work. But since none of them do, we are left with few options. 

    I suppose one think you could try to would to be dispose of the existing grid and create a new one in code. If changing the data source has somehow gotten the grid into a bad state, that should fix it. It's a terrible solution, but it's seems like that might be the best of all the bad options. 

    If we want to continue to pursue finding the cause of the issue, then we would really need a sample demonstrating it so we can debug it. And we may not be able to reproduce it even with a sample, since we may not necessarily have the same device available to us. And even if we do, there's a good chance it won't happen on our machine. Are you seeing this problem on more than one device? Have you tested it on more than one? 

    The only other thing I can think of is... if you want to export some of the grid property settings from your running application to a couple of files, I can take a look at them and see if I noticed anything obviously wrong. It's a long shot and I doubt anything will come of it, but at this point, it might be worth while. 

    What you would have to do is get the grid into the bad state and then run some code to export some data to files and then send me the two XML files: 

                var gridPresets = PresetSerializer.FromObject(this.ultraGrid1, PresetType.All);

    That's pretty much all I can think of to do at this point. 

  • 15
    Offline posted in reply to Mike Saltzman

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    Here are the XMLs in the broken state. I'll get to trying the DataGridView as soon as I get the time.

    Thanks again for looking into this

  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted in reply to Jake Featherstone

    I looked over these files and I don't see anything obvious that would cause the grid not to show the rows. 

    One thing that occurred to me is that you have filtering turned on in your grid. So if there were filters applied to the grid, that would explain why the data source has rows and the grid doesn't show any of them. But I don't see any ColumnFilters applied to your grid in the DisplayLayout file. I suppose it's possible that your DataTable has filtering applied to it directly. So that might be worth looking into. 

    Another thing I checked is the grid's LoadStyle - I was thinking maybe if it was set to LoadOnDemand the rows would get loaded into the grid asynchronously. But that does not appear to be the case either. 

    The one thing I noticed that seems most likely to be an issue is that you are apparently using v11.2 of the Infragistics assemblies. That's about 8 years old, which is positively ancient in the world of application development. :) 

    So this could very easily be an old bug in the controls that has long-since been fixed. So I would definitely recommend download the latest (20.1) trial version and testing your application with that version to see if that fixes the issue. I would not be at all surprised if the issue you are experiencing came up in some other way and was fixed. 

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