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UltraCombo scrolling to updated items automatically


This is kind of a follow up to my previous question.

Without going into a ton of presumably unrelated business logic, my method for infinite scroll on my ultra combo is to load it initially with a BindingList of the correct total size. For example, with 2,800 records. But my "page" is only 1,000. So 0->999 are set, and the remaining 1,800 are a blank placeholder. When I get close enough, I want to scroll to show the next page, and in order to properly keep scroll position, I just update the values in the binding list, I don't reset the DataSource on my control. This mostly works well, however, there seems to be some default logic in UltraCombo that whenever setting an item in the underlying BindingList, it scrolls to show it, so my list is constantly jumping around.

When I first started writing the control and was trying to solve my other problem, I could've sworn I saw somewhere online a property to indicate how to handle underlying updates (presumably letting me turn off the scroll to show), but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere now.


  • 28945
    Offline posted

    Hello Chris,

    There is no property or event that I see in our API. Please provide a sample project demonstrating the behavior.

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