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UltraTextEditor Before Paste Event

We are using the UltraTextEditor for editing single & multi line text and there are some questions with special characters like carriage return, line feed and vertical tab. 

1. when we paste text with carriage return in a single line TextEditor then the text is cut at the first carriage return, is there a possibility to replace the cr instead of the cut?

2. if the text contains a vertical tab it is shown in editmode but if you leave the box it isn't shown anymore. We want to see it anyway but prefer to replace it on input.

editmode view:

after leaving the box:

So we think for replacing the special characters there would it be nice to have a BeforePasteEvent but i see nothing like this. What would be your prefered way to do it instead? And would this remove the cut of the lines?

And the second question is why the view of EditMode and ShowMode ist so different from the special characters and the line breaks?

Kind Regards,

Kirsten Dittrich

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    Hello Kirsten,

    Thank you for you post. Unfortunately we do not have any before paste event .Here is the list of all the property and events exposed by the UltraTextEditor.

    About the issue of editMode is different then showMode for special charecture ,I was not able to reproduce the issue ,please provide our sample. But possible workaround could be to set AlwaysInEditMode to true or can also set TabStops property.

    Divya Jain

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