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Utragrid filtering with check boxes

I built a grid last year and I have this for my filter drop down.

I built a new grid and I can’t figure how to get the filtering to be like the first grid with the check boxes.

Thanks for the help


  • 7375
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Tim,

    Thank you for the post. In order to have the filter with CheckBox you need to set FilterUIProvider , like this:

    ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.FilterUIProvider = this.ultraGridFilterUIProvider1;

    The ultraGridFilterUIProvider1 is a component from the Visual Studio® toolbox on to your Form.

    For more information refer to this online help document provided all the information.

    I also attached a demo sample for your reference. Let me know if you have any question.


    Divya Jain

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