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Toolbar Manager issue when running on scaled desktop

Hi I am having an issue where on a desktop scaled above 100%, on entering the component the surrounding screen is rendered within the ToolbarManager. This type of behaviour doesn't happen when in use on a display with scaling set to 100%.

As far as I can tell there is no MouseEnterElement implemented which could possibly be causing this. I have also been looking at the HotTrackAppearance of the component, though all seems to still be set to default or null. 

I am using quite an old build though have been told it is not possible to change this. Any information on what could be happening would be greatly appreciated. 

How should I stop this happening?

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


  • 34430
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Bradie,

    I have been investigating into the issue you are seeing, and as you mentioned that you are using an older build of Infragistics for Windows Forms, I’m not certain if there is much that you can really do about this, as the older versions of Infragistics for Windows Forms were not DPI aware and as such would not scale when using different zooms or resolutions. This is a new feature for version 2019.1 that many of our Windows Forms controls now support DPI scaling.

    I was discussing this with our development teams, and they had mentioned to me that you also may be able to prevent this issue by setting the TransitionAreas property of the UltraToolbarsManager to a different setting, or potentially “None.” It is hard for me to say for certain if this would work, though, as I do not currently have a sample that reproduces the behavior you are currently seeing on my end.

    If possible, would it be possible for you to test the TransistionAreas property of the UltraToolbarsManager being set to “None” to see if it resolves the issue you are seeing?

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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