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Use multi-select filtering in UltraWinGrid for excluding selected values


I'm using an UltraWinGrid together with the FilterUIProvider in order to display mutli-select option (like those in Excel) for filtering. So for instnace, think of an audit trail where you'd like to filter only for certain actions or certain users or so.

This is working quite perfectly so far!

What I was not able to achieve so far is to provide an option where the user can choose to use a certain filter not for including any selected valule but to exclude the selected values.

Now you might ask 'why  would anyone like to do that'? Think of the audit trail again which also includes information about who did something. But there are not only 'real persons' but also technical users being used to perform some automated tasks. But the audit trail reviewer is not interested at all in anything a technical user has performed, so he wants to filter that out.

Furthermore, the user has an option to store the filter definition (together with some other info like grid layout) for later reuse (as they want to review their audit trail on a regular basis and don't want to configure the proper filtering over and over again.

What I now want to offer is something like 'show only those rows where the user is none of those checked in the filter'. This kind of filtering would ensure that people entering or leaving the company over time would not cause issues - as they want to see their data, of course.

The optimal solution (in my opinion) would be to have either two radio buttons or a check box just below the checklist which would allow the user to invert the search on request, see here (diffferent type of data here in order to protect people related data...):

(this is of course only a montage!)

Unfortunately there are only menu items or buttons I was able to manually place in the list on the proper events. Both have the issue that though I could handle their events, they would close the dropwdown area and I was not able to prevent them from doing so - even by setting the handled parameter to true.

I also tried to derive a new control from the FilterTool class but it didn't display anything (not even if derived from FilterButtonTool directly, which should be kind of trivial...)

I'm still on NetAdvantage 16.2 (16.2.20162.2182)

Do you have any ideas what I can do?

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