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Ribbon adding tools in parallel


We have a very annoying problem when working on a Form with a ribbon on it in parallel with separate teams.

Because Infragistics renames the tools in the designer.cs file always when something is changed (added/removed/etc.) it is impossible to work in parallel on the same ribbon


Team 1 checks out the Form (non exclusive) with the ribbon and adds new Tabs and on that tab new groups and tools. It also changes some tools already done in the past.

Team 2 checks out the same Form (non exclusive) and also adds new tabs and groups.

When both teams want to check in it is impossible to resolve the conflicts becasue INfragistics renamed all tools so that tools exist with the same name but where developed by different teams and are NOT the same. Also existing tools are renamed so that it is impossible to track the changes.


Team 1 added the following button tool:

Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool buttonTool252 = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool("AQ_ACQUISITION_START");

Team 2 added a differnt button tool , but it got the same name

Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool buttonTool252 = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool("VI_CH_YT_CO_TRACE");

Also other, already existing tools, have been renamed.

This makes it impossible to work on such a Form in parallel.

Is there a workaround for this, except doing it one after the other and checking out exclusively?

Or does a tool exist to merge those files based on the tool key?

Thanks for your help



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  • 28945
    Offline posted

    Hello Michael, 

    Is there anyway you can send us a sample/mockup reproducing this issue? When tools get created in the designer without specifying a key, the name should will be used in its place. We don't change names. So if names are getting changed I'm wondering if design view is getting corrupted or cleared somehow. If two teams create tools with identical keys and try and check things in it will cause issues. I also think it would be best if one designer starts and finishes a form's designer layout whether in code or the design view. If multiple people have to work a single form, then it might be better to stage any changes and have the work funnel to one person that will ultimately review and check things into source.

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