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Filter Option Name Reset to default


the following issue was encountered when trying to translate the '(Blank)' filtering option:

1. Open the attached solution and execute the project

2. Select the ‘ThisIsBlanks’ option.

3. Click on the filter cell of the ‘Item’ grid column, so that the 'ThisIsBlanks' cell exits edit mode. As you can see, the ‘ThisIsBlank’ string is changed to ‘(Blank)’. This behavior is not replicated for the case of ‘ThisIsNonBlanks’ option.

Should you need any further info on this issue, let me know.


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  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Greycon,

    Thank you for posting.

    I am able to reproduce the behavior that only RowFilterDropDownBlanksItem resource string reset back to its default string.

    I have submitted this development issue for further investigation (259182) and have created a private case (CAS-198945-W3C0M9) where I will provide you with more information.

    Also, please note that volume 16.2 has already had its last service release so if the resolution of this development issue requires a change to the assemblies it will be necessary to upgrade to a more recent volume of Infragistics for [platform]. You can see our product lifecycle here: <>

    Please let me know if you need further assistance.

    Divya Jain
    Associate Software Developer

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