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Ultratoolbarsmanager alignment of shortcutkeys


In our menues we show the user which shortcut key he/she can use for that menu item.

Until now we used Ctrl-W, Ctrl-P and some more with all more or less the same with.

Today i added Ctrl-I and now we don't like the alignment. Because they are aligned to the right and the character I is smaller than the other characters.

Is it possible to align the shortcuts to the left?

We are using Windows Forms 16.2.20162.2084

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  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Henk,

    I have been investigating into this issue you are seeing, and it appears that the measurement for the "shortcut key" text in the UltraToolbarsManager is not correct. It appears that the UIElement that contains the shortcut text is aligned to the right, but the actual text is aligned left, which leads to this misalignment that you are seeing.

    This is incorrect and unexpected behavior, and as such, I have asked our engineering staff to examine it further. To ensure it receives attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a development issue of 254575. I have also created you a private support case with an ID of CAS-196516-X3N6T4, which I will link to this issue so you can be notified when a resolution becomes available. You can access this case here after signing into your Infragistics account.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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