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I'm setting up a test area to use MonthViewSingle. I need some help in Visual Studio. The main example code copied in and I added the references I needed. It still needs properties and Styles. where can I find the code that goes with the example.

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  • 34430
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    Hello Phil,

    The sample source code that you have referenced can be found in the Infragistics for Windows Forms Samples Browser, which you can install with the Infragistics for Windows Forms toolset. It looks like most of the pieces that you will be "missing" in this case are Samples Browser specific resource files, and so I would highly recommend installation of this browser.

    Once you have done this, you can use the following steps to get to the actual sample and get the source code and resources for that sample:

    1. Launch the Infragistics for Windows Forms Samples Browser.

    2. Click the "Legacy Samples" link at the bottom right.

    3. Once the "Legacy Samples" dialog shows up, navigate to the following sample: Calendars and Scheduling => Appearances.

    4. Clicking on the above sample should give you the options to launch the sample or open a VB or C# solution. Opening the solution will contain all of the files necessary to run this sample project.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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