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UltraGrid row filtering

We are using UltraGrid in a WinForms application. Since upgrading from 2016.2 to 2017.2 (version 17.2.20172.2006) we are facing the problem that the default entries (Blanks) and (NonBlanks) in the drop down are not working any more when using the FilterUIType FilterRow. Using Header Icons the rows are fitlered as expected.

The problem can be reproduced in the sample app "RowFiltering" provided by Infragistics.

Any idea what the problem might be?

  • 12480
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


    This is a known bug that has been fixed in our internal build. The fix exists in the following (or later) versions:

    Infragistics for Windows Forms 2017 Vol 1, build 2046
    Infragistics for Windows Forms 2018 Vol 2, build 2011

    These build numbers represent builds that are not yet released. We are targeting the end of March for the next service release, which will include this fix and have a version number higher than or the same as the ones listed above. Please let me know if this date does not work for you.

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