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Is it possible to change the color of tool button when user press on ButtonTool from the Ribbon?

Hi, I am working on RibbonGroupItemButton styling using the AppStylist for Windows Forms. The UltraToolbarsManager is using Office2013 Style, which has blue shading on button tools as part of the style. My aim was to change the styling to use a more grayish tone rather than the default blue tone.

I went on AppStylist and tried to change UI Roles/Base/RibbonGroupItem - Common States/HotTracked/Background to set the color to light gray, which turns the button to that color when I hover over the button. I also went on changing the Common States/Pressed/Background color wanting to change the color when the user clicked on the button. However, it did not change any behavior. I tried to play around with other states such as Active, Selected and HotTrackSelected but non of them seems to replace the color when user mouse clicks. My question would be if it's possible to change it and how? 

Thank you.

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