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Exception when grouping by column with summary

Hello. I made the sample which show how to get exception on groupping by column with summary.

If I drug Column 4 before Column 0 in groupby row then rise exception

How to fix this error?

The CalcFrequency parameter for UltraCalcManager must be CalcFrequency.Synchronous!!!

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  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Alex,

    I have been investigating into the sample project that you have provided, and this issue is known. Unfortunately, there currently exists a bug in the UltraGrid where the summaries of the grid are not working correctly if the grid is grouped by multiple columns, with respect to the internal calculation manager of the grid. I am not aware of a workaround to this issue at the moment.

    Our developers are currently working on this issue, and I have created you a private support case that I will link to our internal development issue so that you can be notified when a fix becomes available. The development issue's ID is 246298 and the support case ID is CAS-189524-K1R4Q1 and you can access it here:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer

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