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Windows Form not showing items from Infragistics toolbox


I am new to Infragistics and I want to build a calculator using Windows form in visual studio 2017. After installing complete bundle of Infragistics, I created a new windows form project in VS but still the toolbox is showing old components only.

Please help.

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    Hi Ramesh,

    Welcome to our forums!

    In order to assist you more accurately, could you please let me know the operating system on which you install the complete bundle and if you are able to see the toolbox for 17.1 in other version of Visual Studio or for another platform, for example WPF?

    Alternatively, you can right click inside the toolbox, there is option in the context menu “Choose Items…”, where you can add manually any assembly which contains control or component. In case the installation of the bundle was successful, you should find there and our list of assemblies for each installed version.

    Looking forward to hear from you.

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