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UltraProgressBar Backcolor Not Working


I am trying to use the progress bar to change colors based on a value that passes through a series of if statements. If x is below a certain value, change the color of the bar to, for example red, then if its between these two values and so on. However this is not working. I originally tried this with the standard built in progress bar and it also did not work. However, when I stepped through the code it was setting the correct color but not displaying the correct one. I did some research and found out this line Application.EnableVisualStyles() needs to be removed from the program.cs file, which I can't do per my supervisors. I am wondering if the Infragistics version is suffering from the same problem?

Here is a snippet of what I did.

Thank You

            if (goal < 100)
                if (goal <= (monthlyGoal *0.79))
                    toolbarProgress.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                else if (goal >= (monthlyGoal * 0.80) && goal <= (monthlyGoal * 0.99))
                    toolbarProgress.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
                else if (goal >= monthlyGoal)
                    toolbarProgress.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Chartreuse;
            else if (DateTime.UtcNow > monthEnd)
                goal = 0;
            else if (goal > 100) // don't let it be greater than 100
                goal = 100;

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