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Floating dockable pane fails on different scaled screens


Our customers started to use high DPI 4K screens with a dual monitor setup. The left screen has a 4K resolution with scaling enabled and the right screen has a standard 1920x1080 resolution without scaling.

Whenever they undock a dockable pane and try to move it to the second (unscaled) screen, the placement starts to behave very erratic.

Our application is not DPI aware and we let DotNet handle the scaling. We were also able to reproduce the behavior with the TouchEnabledDockManager example, that comes with Infragistics. As soon as you drag a pane over to the second screen it's placed on a wrong position. And then it's impossible to move correctly. Sometimes it vanishes altogether. I recorded a video, since it's hard to describe the erratic behavior:

Note that I took this video on my developer machine, which does not have a 4K screen. But there is still the same effect if you change the scaling of one screen to above 100%.

Version of Infragistics and Windows:

Infragistics 17.1 20171.1008
Windows 10 1703 15063.502

Hopefully you can help us solve that problem.

Norbert Harrer.

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