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Toggle view between all rows and only rows where checkbox column cell is checked for that row, in VB

I have an unbound table that I am populating at runtime, with a checkbox (via SQL: SELECT Convert(bit,0) as Choose...)

I want to have a button that toggles between 'show checked only' and 'show all' so that the user can quickly go back and forth (it's a huge dataset, and would be impractical to scroll through it).

How do I accomplish this, in VB.NET?


  • 1980
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Samuel,

    The easiest way to filter checked/unchecked rows is to use the grids filtering functionality. To use filter rows you must first enable AllowRowFiltering:

    Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowRowFiltering =   DefaultableBoolean.True

    If you need a separate button outside the grid, you can enable row filtering as well as filter rows in the button Click event. You can find more detailed information about it on the following link:

    Please let me know if you need further assistance regarding this matter.

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