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How to set width of group by columns of Ultragrid

Dear sir

I want to set width of group column and also want to merge it up to 4 columns of first group by column and merge up to 3 columns of second column

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  • 4625
    Offline posted

    Hi Vinod,

    Thank you for posting in our forums!

    As far as I understand, you have seven displayed columns on your grid and want them to be grouped into two groups of four and three columns respectively.

    Please take a look at the following documentation page - when you can find code snippets along with inline code comments on how to group grid’s columns.

    Also I have attached a sample project for you, in order to show you runtime implementation via following the instructions of the aforementioned documentation page.

    In order to answer your first question, width of group column can be increased or decreased by setting custom width value on one or more of its child columns. For further reference please see the code at the attached sample.

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance on this topic.
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