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Possible Bug in dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier Post-Rotation

I'm seeing a strange situation where dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier post-rotation creates a cell that has some kind of issue.  I was able to work-around the issue by managing my own creation of new view cells with initWithReuseIdentifier, but it might be worth it on your end to check for bugs that could arise from dequeuing immediately after a rotation event. Basically, the symptom here was an empty cell with no view. The only thing that looked out of the ordinary was the cell was dequeued with a frame size, whereas the other good cells were dequeued with a CGRectZero frame. Strange, indeed.

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    Hi Caylan, 

    I'm not sure what could possibly be the problem there. All dequeue does is check to see if there were any available cells to use, and if not, it just invokes initWithReuseIdentifier on the class you registered with for that identifier. 

    You're only dequeuing in flowLayoutView:cellAtIndex: right?


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