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Pie Chart : "Bad access" error for smaller angles.


I am parsing json data and trying to show it using Pie Chart. The application gives "Bad Access" when the slice angle goes below 10.77 degrees.

Can you please help? As the data is coming from server, any value can come in json. It is working when i modify the values and angle becomes > 10.77 degrees.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

- Preety

  • 26458
    Offline posted

    I suspect you may have an older version of our framework files, because this sounds like an issue we fixed a while ago.

    You can find the version number by navigating to the IGChart framework in Finder and right-clicking and selecting Get Info.

    Can you post that version number here?

    The issue could be due to some of the pie slices getting grouped into the Others slice. See if setting pieChart.othersCategoryThreshold to 0 prevents your app from crashing. 

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