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Enable grid to fit to screen and enable scrolling

I currently have a grid that sets the ' configGrid.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth; ' property to make sure that the grid fills the whoel width of its parent view.

When I populate hte grid with 100 rows and 4 columns this works as expected; it fills the width of the view and I can scroll vertically through the list.

However, if I populate the grid with 100 rows and 30 columns, I cannot get it to scroll horizontally through the additional columns.

What property/method am I missing?



  • 695

    Ok, using the code below, the grid all works except for the horizontal scrolling. All the columns have been effectively' best fitted' to the grid. I know I must be causing that and it something obvious, but I just cannot see it! help!

    public override void ViewDidLoad ()
                base.ViewDidLoad ();

                // Create a new gridview
                IGGridView configGrid = new IGGridView( new RectangleF(0,0,(this.View.Bounds.Width),this.View.Bounds.Height),IGGridViewStyle.IGGridViewStyleDefault);

                // Enable flexible width so that the grid feels its parents view
                configGrid.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;

                // Enable 2way Scrolling
                //Grid.common.gridconfig.enableScrolling (true, true, configGrid);

                // Configure grid theme
                configGrid = configuretheme.themegrid(configGrid);

                // Add gridview to the current view

                // Sort out custom column headers
                if (common.customcolumnheaders.Count != 0) {
                    configdsh = common.configureheadertitles (configdsh, common.customcolumnheaders);

                // Add data to the grid
                configdsh.Data = common.griddatasource.ToArray();
                configGrid.DataSource = configdsh;

                // Attempting to override column width without the use of a delegate
                configGrid.ColumnWidth = IGColumnWidth.CreateNumericColumnWidth (200f, 200f);

                // Set the filter to always be displayed and configure the default settings
                configGrid.FilterAction = IGGridViewFilterAction.IGGridViewFilterActionImmediate;
                configdsh.FilterType = IGGridViewFilterConditionType.IGGridViewFilterConditionTypeStringContains;

                string defaultValue = common.customcolumnheaders.Values.ElementAt(0);
                configdsh.FilteringKey = defaultValue;

                // The following code is used to enable the filtering popup from the navbar button
                // Configure the popover control for the filter button.
                gridfilterpopup content = new gridfilterpopup();
                content.callinggriddsh = configdsh;
                content.callinggridcontroller = configGrid;
                content.callingcustomcolumnheaders = common.customcolumnheaders;
                filterpopover = new UIPopoverController (content);
                filterpopover.PopoverContentSize = new SizeF(320,320);

                // Configure the navigation controller for this view

                // Configure a filter button
                    UIBarButtonItem filterbtn = new UIBarButtonItem (UIBarButtonSystemItem.Action);
                        filterbtn.Clicked += delegate {
                            // If the popover is already showing from the bar button item, dismiss it. Otherwise, present it.
                                if (!filterpopover.PopoverVisible)
                                    filterpopover.PresentFromBarButtonItem (filterbtn, UIPopoverArrowDirection.Any, true);
                                    filterpopover.Dismiss (true);
                this.NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItem (filterbtn, true);
                configGrid.ReloadInputViews ();

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