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GridView context menu CanPerformActionForCell Override - multiple items to return and how?

If I have two menu items for my grids context menu, how can I return them both from the following override? Your documentation states:
// Return yes for every menu item that you want to be displayed, in this case, we just want our custom one.

Here is the routine in c#. How could I return two different items for the menu?
 public override bool CanPerformActionForCell (IGGridView gridView, Selector action, IGCellPath path, NSObject sender)
   return action == new Selector("sendEmail");


  • 40030
    Offline posted

    Hi Paul, 

    The method fires every menu item, so you just need to OR the stmt for any additional selectors you want to support: 

    return action == new Selector("sendEmail") || action == new Selector("otherActon") || action == new Selector("action3");
    I hope this helps clear things up. 
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