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Excel Style Filtering on WHDG

I have the filter working except for the 'UniqueValueCasing="Camel"' is causing resource script error saying 0 is null or not an object.  When I debug it the string in loading properly and it is trying to extract the value in index[0] but the script can't find 0. Very strange because the first letter is there in the string and it is the first letter.  What is wrong with the script?

  • 49378
    Verified Answer

    Hello nbizub,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    I have tested this scenario using the latest SR for 13.2, but am so far unable to replicate the described behavior. Any additional information regarding the product and browser versions used in your scenario as well as whether there are any additional steps required in order to reproduce this behavior would be greatly appreciated. Attached is my test sample for your consideration.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me with any updates regarding this matter.
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