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Bar Chart Unknown Error

Hello... I need some help. Some days ago I am trying to fix a problem with a bar chart. The description of the problem is this:

The program I'm fixing have the capacity of show charts on 2D and 3D taking data from a data base, i can choose the chart type selecting the kind of chart on a combo box. When i change from 2D to 3D there is not problem. The chart looks normal and with all the data.

The normal chart on 2D:

The chart on 3D:

But when i try to go back from 3D to 2D the chart breaks down completely. The bars shows up with the same color although i have my own Color Model implemented, very separated from each other although i set it on 0, the labels of the columns have the same value, and only one chart legend shows up.

The broken chart:

I have checked the chart methods many times. All the methods apparently are alright. I debugged the program from the SQL of the data base to the last line of C# code, step by step. But i can not find any logical reason why the chart is breaking. Something very special that happens is that when i am on the broken chart and i go again to the 3D bar chart, is alright on everything (color, size, form, position etc).

Could you please give to me any kind of advice? May be i made some kind of mistake on the code.

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