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Why do pie or column chart colors duplicate ?

I have an issue occuring on both pie and column charts. In both cases, i have both column and pie charts with 6 data rows (e.g. 6 pie slices and 6 columns respectively, each row representing a different division within a company. I want each division to have a different pie slice or column bar color. I don't really care which colors each division is represented by, as long as they have unique colors...however when the charts render, they are duplicating colors...for example, if i have a dataset as follows:

 Division         Value

Div 1             100
Div 2             225
Div 3             300
Div 4             350
Div 5             365
Div 6             375

5 of the divisions will have distinct colors (e.g. green, blue, orange, red, yellow)...however one of the divisions will overlap the result is that two divisions end up with green...and i can't tell them visually apart on the pie or column's always green that repeats. How can i control this default behavior and have all 6 colors render uniquely. thank you.