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WebDataGrid Styles


We are planning to upgrade from ultrawebgrid to Webdatagrid. For ultrawebgrid, we created some custom CSS styles like this:

 td table th  /* styling for grid header row */
 padding: .1em .1em .1em .4em;
 vertical-align: top;
 text-align: center;
 border: 1px solid white;
 background-color: #e2dbc8; /*#f0ece3;*/

td table td /* styling for grid data rows */
 padding: .1em .1em .1em .4em;
 vertical-align: top;
 font-size: .85em;
 text-align: left;
 border: 1px solid white;
 background-color: #f0ece3;

 tr.altrow td, .altrow{ background-color:  #e2dbc8; }

 <RowAlternateStyleDefault CssClass="altrow" />

With new web datagrid, forums say to set property 'AltItemCSSClass'. So, I set to altrow in properties dialog box. At design time, grid showed altered row colors. When I run the app, it is not picking up that CSS and defaults to grid CSS.

I know I can go to ig_Datagrid.css and set it like this.



background-color: #e2dbc8;}

If this is the case, why 'AltItemCSSClass' property has been provided.



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