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Problem with WebDataGrid and Dropdownprovider after Postback



first of all, I'm fairly new to ASP.NET as well as developing with IG components, so this may be a quite simple question for experienced users I guess.


I'm using several dropdownproviders in my webdatagrid. Every is working well, until it comes to the first postback after the initial one. I'm creating the data for the dropdown by creating a DataTable and filling it manually like this:


dr = dt.NewRow()

dr("text") = "-"

dr("value") = "L"



The Problem is: after the initial loading, everything is fine. The dropdown displays "-" to the user and the value is set to "L". 

BUT: after the next postback, the grid changes the content of the dropdown visible to the user to the value, in this case it displays "L" instead of the desired "-".

The code for the grid is this:

<ig:WebDataGrid ID="grdTest" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" EnableAjax="false" EnableViewState="true" EnableDataViewState="true" ShowFooter="true" StyleSetName="Office2007Blue" Width="100%" DataKeyFields="rownumber,anr"> 


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


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