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Column layout lost after filter (Internet explorer)

Hi, we are using 10.1 version of webdatagrid and we are facing with next problem when we use Internet Explorer (Verified with IE9):

We set column width, order, etc and at the first load everything looks ok. Grid occupies full container width and columns extends for the whole width too. But after we aply some filter, the layout it lost, some columns are narrowed and an empty space appears at right. (I attach some pic which is self-explanative). If you click some of the button columns that we have set at the grid the layout is recovered.

If you have some idea about how to fix it we would really appreciate. In our opinion it seems that some error happens internally with the filter and the script which controls the grid rendering is stopped before load columns, but of course we are no tsure and also we dont know how to find or solve the exact problem.


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