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WebDropDown loosing it's position



i have a dropdown with a list of item (i built-it with a ListItem), when i type a letter corresponding to the start of a word all is working fine.  But when i type the second letter, the scrollbar go the the first item and if i take that scrollbar  and go to the item i can see that the item is selected but the dropdown is not displaying it correctly.  Any helps is appreciated.

Here is my html of my dropdown:

 <ig:WebDropDown ID="ddlEntrepreneur" runat="server" Width="223px" DropDownContainerHeight="0px"   EnableAnimations="false" TextField="Text" ValueField="Value" DisplayMode="DropDown"  TabIndex="6" EnableCustomValues="false" EnableAutoCompleteFirstMatch="true" ClientEvents-Blur="AutoCompleteValidation"  ClientEvents-Focus="FocusDropDownEntrepreneur"> <DropDownItemBinding TextField="Text" ValueField="Value" /> </ig:WebDropDown>

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