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3D line chart problem (10.2)


In my application I use the 10.2 chart controls. I am having some problems with the 3D line chart control - all other types work OK for me.  All charts get their data from a SQL stored procedure as it needs to be dynamic when users update records in the database.

The 3D line chart appears to be OK unless the user hovers over and displays a tooltip - the tooltips for the first plotted point do not appear and instead it shows the next tooltip.

Users can click items on the charts and this then filters a grid that appears below the chart, showing the items that make up the plotted data.  I use the "ChartDataClicked" event for this, and grab the name of the item clicked from the "ChartDataEventArgs" object.  I then pass this to my custom grid control and use it to show the objects.  This works great for all types of charts except 3D line chart - "ChartDataEventArgs" returns the name of the item that follows the one that was clicked when the user clicks the first data point that was plotted (so if I click "Object 1", I get "Object 2" back). 

It does not matter how many series of data are on the chart, it will still happen.  It is as if the first data point plotted on the chart is not really there.

2D line charts work fine with the same data.  Unfortunately due to the nature of the application it is not possible to share any sample code/data.  I have attached a screenshot showing the tooltip ("00" when it should be "01") - when I click on the value for 2005/red, no data is returned when 1 record should be (instead it thinks I have clicked "2007", so returns 0).  All other data clicks work.


Am I misunderstanding how the 3D line chart should work?  If not, how can I get it so my users can hover/click the first data point plotted?


Thank you for your time & any advice you can provide.

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  • 26458
    Offline posted

    As you can see, in the 3d line chart the tooltip appears when you hover over the 3d line segment. In a 2d line chart, a tooltip is displayed when you hover over the vertex. The problem with displaying a tooltip on a 3d line chart lies in not having these vertices that you can mouse over. If you have a 3d line with 4 points, you ultimately get 3 segments, and if you have 3 segments, you can only show 3 distinct tooltips. In fact, there is no accurate way to show a tooltip when you hover over anywhere inside the segment, because you are now in-between the actual points. The best solution is not to show tooltips and when you fetch the data, remember to get the value at the current index and the value at (current index - 1).

    Hope this clarifies the issue.

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