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WebDataGrid Colummove Causes Unwanted Postback


We are in the process of replacing the UltraWebGrid with the WebDataGrid.  I am using the most current version of the WebDataGrid for .Net Framework 2.0.  I am looking at the Column Moving functionality.  The grid is in an .Net AJAX update panel and every time you move the column headers, a postback is fired.  I have not created any server side events for any of the move events.  Why is the grid doing a postback?

Is there a way to stop the grid from doing a postback on the column move?

Your quick response is greatly appreciated.


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  • 33839
    Suggested Answer

    Hi corydowd,

    Right now, the column moving always performs the move operation through a postback.  It does this with either an async or full postback depending upon the EnableAjax property of the grid.  The reason for this was performance.  We modify the VisibleIndex property of the column on the server and then rerender the grid.  In 11.1, there should be client binding using jQuery available.  Using this, it will be possible to do the column move operation completely on the client.  Until then, this is how that feature works.  If you would really like it work on the client, I suggest to submit a feature request for this.


    David Young

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