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WebDataGrid Ajax paging calls


I'm trying to understand how the WebDataGrid does paging with Ajax. I'm using the Volume 2 control for CLR 4.0

Suppose I create a SqlDataSource for, say, a view with 200 records and hook up a brand-new WebDataGrid to it. Suppose I turn EnableAjax for the grid to be true. When I run the Web app, I see (in the profiler) that the entire database is being queried just to get the first page of records, and every time I click on a different page number, the same thing is happening.

I would have expected that only a page's worth of records at a time would be grabbed. Is there a way of making this happen? My problem is that in my main program, I want to run this against a view with 13,000 records, not 200 records, and the grid takes a long time to fill for that!

Thanks for any help you can offer,


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