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How to adjust the bar/column width in a StackColumnChart if there is a single or lesser bars


I have used a StackColumnChart and have populated its data from a dataset at runtime.

Now, if there's only one series available, i.e. only one column/bar, that bar stretches until the entire chart width, i.e. it covers the entire chart area and that looks really very weird.

I want to be able to set a fixed width of column/bar so that in such situations my single bar goes not extend upto the entire chart width.

I tried looking for some property of StachChart or ColumnChart to achieve the same, but could not find any.

Also, is there any way to centre the Legend labels at the centre of legend box? I want to centre the series in legend.

Can anyone please help me to achieve this. Any quick help will be highly appreciated.

P.S. I need to accomplish it ASAP, it is quite urgent as it is spoiling the entire look of my chart :(



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